
825 Arts in minecraft

825 Arts in Minecraft

Born out of the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021, we have continually looked for ways to safely connect and build community power. Alongside the work we are doing to create the physical artistic home of 825 Arts, we have also embarked on creating a dynamic virtual gathering space as well. We pride ourselves on being a space BY KIDS FOR KIDS.

And so, we are proud to present: 825 Arts IN Minecraft!

Our server is built for Minecraft: Java Edition (commonly the one used on a PC, MAC, or XBOX). If you are unsure of the version you are currently using, click here to check on the Minecraft website. We use the Geyser plugin to offer cross-platform access. For more info on Geyser, click here

The Creators

825 in Minecraft didn’t just appear overnight. For three months in 2020 a dedicated team of interns from Hamline University built our Minecraft server, Discord server, all the structures and tools within our server (based on our architectural blueprints and pictures), created tours and tutorials, and made a system for sustaining our virtual gathering space in Minecraft for years to come.

These interns all went on to do their own cool stuff after graduating, and they left us an awesome base for the continued work we do in Minecraft! Our thanks to Sarah Wood, Emily McKenzie, and Sara Smith, the creators.

Events in Minecraft


Saturday January 25th, 2-5pm, join us for the fourth annual ICE PALACE COMPETITION! Watch the brand-new 2025 lecture with Bob Olsen, and then bring your best palace design in person or online. Excited? Sign up at tinyurl.com/ICY82525

825 in Minecraft – Open Hours

Every Saturday, 2-4pm

Come for an open build day in our Minecraft Server!

Make art, build out your virtual neighborhood, explore our PVP area, and more! Join us for art projects, adventures, and connection with the community.

Our open hours calendar is below, to make sure you never miss when the server is up. We are in person (pay what you can) or online (free!) simultaneously, so join from wherever works best!

If you already have the Minecraft Java Edition, you can join our server by entering this server info on the ‘Multiplayer’ > ‘Add Server’ page: 825arts.exaroton.me

To chat with other players while in-world, see instructions for joining and troubleshooting, join our 825 Arts Minecraft Discord. Follow this link to go to our Discord: click here.

February 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Minecraft In Person Open Hours
  • Minecraft Open House
  • Minecraft In Person Open Hours
  • Minecraft Open House

Minecraft FAQ: Technical Questions

Minecraft is described as a ‘sandbox game’ – a virtual world where users can create their own world and experience. In Minecraft, you create and destroy resources in order to build and develop buildings, sculptures, landmarks—or whatever your mind can think up! You can play it on a tablet or a computer, and you can play in your own, private game or link up to community servers and community build projects. Click here to see a video of what our Minecraft Server looks like.

Windows, Linux and macOS. This edition also supports user-created skins and mods.

Please look at the section of this page marked “Server Access”

We use a plugin called Geyser that lets non-java players join the game! Every time we open the server, we’ll share a dynamic IP address in the discord. Use that in place of the normal server address, and you’re in! If you have trouble, get in contact with mods via discord or minecraft@825arts.org

Our server is only online when a staff member, intern, and/or moderator has turned it ‘online’. You will be unable to access the server on off-hours. Check the Calendar regularly so you always know when we’re open!

We use Discord, which is an online app that people use to communicate, frequently in discussion boards, groups, and chats. It is popular among gamers as well as other groups to connect and chat virtually while playing. Our moderators have names in RED, and can help you with most issues!

If you have an urgent question, please email minecraft@825arts.org for help.

NOTE: You need to be 13 or older to have a Discord account, so we recommend Minecrafters under 13 use a Discord account with their favorite, trusted adult.

Joining us on Discord is not required, but we recommend it. Being on Discord will help you communicate with other players via voice chat, stay informed about open server times and events, and connect with other players directly.

We also have a monthly newsletter, which you can sign up for HERE

Discord is a free application. You will need to download the app (or open it on your browser) and set up an account. We recommend doing this well before you want to take part in an event or Open Server Hours.

To join the 825 Arts Discord, please CLICK HERE. (link https://discord.com/invite/ckH7rCjker)

Community Questions

We have a list of simple rules (link to rules page) that help ensure safe play for all people who visit our server. We have also created a rules video that all players must watch before participating on our Minecraft Server. We encourage children and adults to watch these rules together before signing up for Open Server Hours or events!

We have many opportunities for you to take part in our community!

You can:

  • Attend our Open Server Hours that occur every other week on Saturdays from 2-4pm CST.
  • Attend our special events which happen quarterly. These events include special lectures, themed builds, interactive play with local artists and historians, and building competitions.
  • If you are 8 years old or older, you can join our Community Minecraft Planning team! You will need a trusted adult to come with you if you are under the age of 15. Every week we meet online and plan events for the 825 Minecraft server. You can come once in a while or all the time! If you are interested in being part of our Community Planning Team, please email Sara, the 825 Minecraft Coordinator, at minecraft@825arts.org.
  • If you are over 18, you can volunteer at one of our events online. We are looking for guest experts to make lectures and judge competitions, moderators to volunteer during events and programming, and elders to participate in our history project!


Our Discord and Minecraft Server are always moderated by a VTAC staff member or a VTAC approved moderator. We have a zero tolerance policy for bullying, racism, sexism, homophobia, harassment, or discrimination of any kind, and will remove and/or ban members for any of these behaviors. We strive to keep our space friendly and open to all players to have a fun and creative experience. That being said, it is possible in both applications for direct, private chat to happen between players/users, which we cannot see.

If someone is violating any of these rules in a direct/private message or is in general making you feel uncomfortable, please directly reach out to the VTAC moderators in the space (we are clearly labeled next to our user name), and we will help remove the troubling individual.

Please click here to see our Minecraft Server and Discord Rules.

(link to rules portion of the page)

Adult supervision/family involvement is highly encouraged. Although we monitor all the activities in our Minecraft server and Discord channel, we cannot see every player in the game at all times. We encourage participation in our Minecraft server to be a family affair! If you are a trusted adult with a child on our server, we must have a direct contact method on file (email or phone) so we can get in touch with you in case of questions or an emergency.

Most of our large virtual events live streamed on Facebook LIVE, so you can tune in for part or all of an event and watch your kid in action!

Please contact us at minecraft@825arts.org with any questions. This email is monitored regularly and is the fastest way to reach us with questions, comments or concerns. If you contact us by other means, it may take us longer to get back to you.

Registration Questions

Registration is required for all Minecraft building events. Event registration forms will be available on our website. You do not have to register for Open Server Hours, but we appreciate an RSVP because we like to know who is coming.

Our registration forms for events require:

  1. The name of the person who will be participating in the event.
  2. The name of the trusted adult responsible for children under 13.
  3. A direct phone number and email to be able to contact the trusted adult and/or the player in an emergency.
  4. A mailing address so we can send you your prize if you win!
  5. Acknowledgement of our server and Discord rules.
  6. The Minecraft and Discord username and preferred name of the people/person participating in the event.

Yes, within 24 hours of registration, the email used for registration will receive a follow-up email confirming your registration with pertinent information about the event. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact our Minecraft staff at minecraft@825arts.org. Please add our email address to your contact list so that important information emails about the event do not go into your spam folder.

Does it cost to participate in Open Server Hours or events? And what if I cannot afford the registration fee (if applicable) ?

Open Server Hours will never have a fee and are totally free. Some events do have a small registration fee, however, if you cannot afford the fee, please contact minecraft@825arts.org and we can give you a scholarship to waive the fee.

Server access

Joining the 825 Arts Minecraft Server

Open Minecraft: Java Edition and click the green ‘Play’ button.

Choose ‘Multiplayer’

Click ‘Add Server’ on bottom right

You can name our server for your future reference, something easy to remember like ‘825 Arts Server’ or ‘825 Arts!’. Then, enter our unique server address : 825.exaroton.me

Click ‘Done’

(Note: Steps 3 and 4 you only need to do when initially finding/joining our server. For all returning events/build to our server, proceed to step 5)

Select our server from the menu list and click ‘Join Server’ on the bottom left

Note: Our server is only online at scheduled times. You will not be able to access the server unless it is opened by staff/moderators.

As you can see in the bottom screenshot, the server will read in red OFFLINE when it is not available, and green ONLINE when it is available.

It’s a good idea to give a few minutes of grace period to login, especially if a high volume of people are joining at once.​

Minecraft and Discord Server Rules

​Welcome to the 825 Arts Minecraft Server. We created this virtual world so that people could enjoy safe, moderated, and fun online programming. These are our basic rules and are subject to change without notice. Changes in our rules or protocols will be announced in Discord and on our website. It is the responsibility of the players and their trusted adults to become familiar with the rules and revisit them on a regular basis.

Before you join, please watch our videos so you are familiar with our rules and codes of conduct. We encourage you to read these rules and watch the videos with a trusted adult or guardian!

Minecraft Rules and & Codes of Conduct

  1. Respect everyone & don’t pick any fights. This is a safe space for all!
    When players are general nuisances (i.e. destroying other people’s work, harassing people, being generally annoying), they are given 3 strikes– on the first, they are given a warning, on the second, their permissions are reduced, on the third they are banned
  2. No tolerance for bullying, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Those who engage in these behaviors will be immediately banned.
    When players are actively participating in harmful behavior (i.e. racist language, ableism, or other hate speech) they will be immediately removed from the server. If they return to the server at a later date and repeat the behavior, their IP is to be banned.
  3. If you are under 13 years old, we must get permission from a trusted adult or guardian for you to participate.
    For those under 13, we must have a name, email, and phone number of a trusted adult on file before you can participate in an event.
    For those over 13, please join our Discord or provide your contact information so that we can reach you if we need to.
  4. Moderators are the authorities in the space.
    If a moderator approaches you or warns you about an action, please listen; they are there to make sure that everyone is having fun and ensure that everyone is behaving in a safe fashion.
    All moderators’ names appear in red inside of the Minecraft chat bar.
  5. Remember to have fun and that our moderation team is here to help and support you!
    If you need technical assistance, help building, or have an immediate concern or question, please contact one of the moderators. If you have questions about what you may or may not do on the server, please ask one of the moderators.
  6. Safety first! Please protect your identity and personal information while using Minecraft or Discord.
    You should not reveal your name, address, phone number, or email to anyone who is not an official 825 Arts staff member or moderator. The only time we will ask you your real name is if we need to contact your trusted adult for administrative purposes or in an emergency. It is critical that we have your name and the contact information of your trusted adult to limit the sharing of personal information while online. If you ever feel uncomfortable because someone is asking you about your personal information, please tell your trusted adult AND contact a 825 staff member or moderator immediately.

For Trusted Adults and Guardians:

  1. You should know the Minecraft and Discord name of the child you are responsible for/who is using our server or Discord. If players change or update their usernames, you should let us know as soon as possible so we can change their records. This is also helpful for when we are judging entries for contests.
  2. If the name that appears on the credit or debit card that was used to pay for registration is different from the name of the trusted adult or guardian that we have on file, please keep that information handy. We may need to cross-reference the name or the last four digits of the credit/debit card that was used if there are issues with payment or registration.
  3. You are responsible for your children and their behavior on our server. You can watch your child remotely during events via our Facebook livestream as well. We encourage parents to monitor their children’s activities on Minecraft and Discord because we cannot see private chats, direct messages, or all players on the server at all times.
  4. Please talk to your children about internet safety before joining us in Minecraft. We will work our hardest to protect your kids while they join us for Minecraft Open Hours and building events; however, internet safety starts at home! We encourage families to talk about what to do if their child feels unsafe online or what type of information to share online with people they don’t know.

Discord Rules

In compliance with Discord’s Terms of Service, you must be 13+ to join. Please read the Discord Terms of Service, and our recommendations for proper server etiquette.

  • As not to disrupt anyone’s notifications, don’t use the @/everyone command. That’s to be reserved for important announcements & reminders
  • Keep things family friendly! No foul language or sharing inappropriate images/ jokes.
  • If you have any questions, the moderators are here to help! They will answer your questions as soon as possible.
  • All channels will have pinned messages which explains what the channels are there for.
  • In order to get access to the rest of the channel, go to #introduce-yourself channel to get accepted into our Discord chat and be able to post! NOTE: You should not reveal your name, address, phone number, or email to anyone who is not an official 825 Arts staff member or moderator. (Please see Minecraft Rules above)
  • No harassment! Bullying, harassment, or unwanted contact on the channel or in private messages are not allowed! Consent is required to chat with people privately. If someone asks you not to contact them directly, you should not message them. Violation of this rule will result in a permanent ban from our Discord and Minecraft server.

Sponsor The 825 Minecraft Program!

Are you a local business who wants your name in our server? Sponsor us! You can have a model of your building in our server, or partner with us on events.

Server Sponsorship options:

$300: We’ll build your business in our server! You provide a floor plan and a picture of your facade, and we’ll do the rest. Plus, we’ll add your logo to our website!

$150: We’ll build your business’s facade! Send us a photo of your business, and we’ll put up an explorable building front in-game with your name on it.

Event Partnership options:

Event Sponsor:

$100: Provide 10 sponsorships for youth players to join competitions to have your name and logo associated with all event publicity, as well as on our sponsor page for the month of the event.

Event Collaborator:

In-Kind Donation: Donate event prizes or other supplies to have your name and logo associated with all event publicity.

Time donation: Offer your skills as an expert lecturer or event judge, and have your name & business given a shout-out on our social media & on our YouTube page.

Interested? Email minecraft@825arts.org to get started.

Thank you to Our Funders!

Bigelow-Foundation Logo
St Paul Jaycees
Legacy Logo ColorFinal
​This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board,
thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.